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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Semenggoh Wildlife Centre (Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre) , Sarawak

About 25 kilometres from Kuching , there is a small town named Padungan. This rehabilitation centre is just outside of this town. It is not a zoo showcasing Orang Utan in captivity but in the wild.This amazing centre was established back in 1975 with the main purpose is to rehabilitate injured or orphaned wild animals taken out from the jungles all over Sarawak. It's about 5km from Jong's Crocodile Farm. So, one can visit these places in a day.
This is the main gate to the centre. Entrance fee per person is RM3. We are allowed to drive into the centre. Otherwise, be prepared to walk a few kilometre distance to the main feeding ground.

A car park is provided to park your car. There will be a little bit of walking to do to get to the feeding ground. These trees are where the Orang Utan build their nests. Look like big birdnests!!

I am standing there looking at the map and timetable of the feeding hours of the exotic animals, On behalf of the centre, I would like to inform you that the feeding times are 9,00-10,00am and 3.00-3.30pm. Sightings of Orang Utan are not guaranteed even during feeding time. One may leave with disappointment even after a few hours of waiting.
I feel so proud standing there! I think I am doing something great in helping in preserving the wildlife...

I was so lucky as I went there not during the feeding hours and still able to catch a long glimpse of it. So adorable and Orang Utan really looks like ORANG ( human in Malaysia language). Beware and not to get too close to them as they can be very dangerous and ferocious and were known to attack people trying to protect themselves and their youngs.

Even though I only managed to see one Orang Utan, I am very satisfied.

A souvenir shop is just next to the park if you would like to purchase some gifts for friends and family. The restrooms are there too.

There are many types and species of pitcher plants found in this area. Above's are captured right in front of the restroom area.

These two species were found at the car park. Semenggoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre is a must visit place.

1 comment:

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