Local Food from Medan, Lake Toba and Berastagi
We were happy and lucky to be taken around to these places to savour the local delicacies.

This is a tenderized pork. Very yummy and non-spicy.

Babi guling. More like grill pork ' shao rou'. Taste very very good with the special sauce.

Grill Telapia from Lake Toba with chili + coconut sauce and brinjal.

Lake Toba grill Telapia with lime and special sauce. I like this best!

Soup boiled from pork parts. A bit oily.

These clams are huge, almost the size of my fist and they taste very fresh unlike those found in Malaysia (small and very fishy taste ). From Berastagi.

I found that grilled fish is very famous in Sumatera. They grill the fish and make different sauce to go with them.

'Satay Padang'. The sauce tastes more like 'dahl kacang' with lots of starch. I prefer the traditional satay with peanut sauce but good to try them out as you might like it.

Mee Bakso

Another mee bakso
. The beef balls are very big in size.

Badak brand sarsaparilla ( SARSI ).

Pineapple juice ( a must try ).

Alpukat drink. It's actually Avocado juice with a little chocolate. Alpukat is grown locally in Sumatera and
JESS had been drinking it non-stop because she said it's so cheap that she must drink as much as she could. Quite true!

Es Teller ( AIS SPECIAL ). It's ice flakes if coconut flesh, avocado and nangka . This combination of fruits is so refreshing.

I am sure everyone who had a tour guide was taken to this Restaurant Bahagia in Medan. Good environment, food was OK but it was a tourist rip-off.

Good presentation of food but very expensive.

Local brand of sauces. CAP ABC. I wonder where to find CAP DEF?
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